ASCII Thoughts

Setting up a wildcard DNS domain on Mac OS X

There are many ways to develop on a Mac, and many stack to choose from. One common and recurring need however is to access your local websites through a named domain, ie using Thankfully, there is a really simple way to do this using Dnsmasq as a local resolver.

Install Dnsmasq

This is straightforward with Homebrew:

# Install it
brew install dnsmasq

# Create the etc dir if needed
mkdir -p /usr/local/etc

# Create a simple configuration
# This forces the .dev domain to respond with
# You can find more information in the default config file:
#   /usr/local/opt/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf.example
echo "address=/.dev/" > /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf

# Install the daemon startup file
sudo cp -fv /usr/local/opt/dnsmasq/*.plist \

# Start the daemon
sudo launchctl load \

Configure Mac OS X

All we need to do is tell the resolver to use Dnsmasq for .dev domains:

# man 5 resolver
sudo mkdir -p /etc/resolver
sudo sh -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolver/dev'

You can now use any .dev domain and it will always resolve to

ping   # this still works
# PING ( 56 data bytes

ping      # you can use any domain
# PING ( 56 data bytes

ping  # or subdomain
# PING ( 56 data bytes


This is very useful in particular for applications that use subdomains as account identifier: you can easily create new accounts on the fly, and never have to worry about your /etc/hosts file again.

Finally, you may also want to look at Pow (and powder). Pow will automatically start your Rails/Rack applications, and provides a port proxying feature for apps written in other languages. Definitely a great alternative.

That's it for today.
